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The latest updates and tips from the Teen Sleep Hub
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Struggling to Sleep? February 2025 is All About You!

Struggling to Sleep? February 2025 is All About You!

You know probably just as well as we do that sleep changes when you reach your teens - so, let’s talk about it. You might scroll past thinking, not another lecture, but you might actually find this interesting - especially if you can explain to adults that you're not...

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Ditch TikTok and Endless Scrolls For Better Sleep

Ditch TikTok and Endless Scrolls For Better Sleep

So, 2025 has come round quickly, and we all know how busy life can get - between school, friends, hobbies, and endless TikTok scrolls, sleep often takes a back seat. But here’s the deal: sleep is your secret weapon for crushing it in everything you do. Whether it’s...

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Very Mindful Christmas

Very Mindful Christmas

The holiday season can be fun but staying up late, eating loads of treats, and non-stop celebrations can mess with your sleep. No worries, though! Here’s how you can keep your chill and still enjoy all the festivities without turning into a sleep-deprived Grinch:...

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Festival Season

Festival Season

Festival season is almost upon us and having a good time is going to be a priority - but getting a good night's sleep can make these events even better! It's easy to feel overwhelmed or even grouchy in loud/busy environments, and poor sleep can make this a lot worse....

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POV: I’m on my period and can’t sleep!

POV: I’m on my period and can’t sleep!

POV: I’m on my period and can’t sleep! As if navigating teen-hood, hormones and busy school life isn’t enough, you get your period! And what’s worse, it can affect your sleep! Teens already get a rough ride with getting decent Zzzs thanks to the delayed sleep phase...

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Bedroom Environment

Bedroom Environment

Your bedroom plays an important part in getting a good night’s sleep.  There is a lot to consider including temperature, light and comfort.  Here are some tips to help you to turn your bedroom into a little haven to help you get a good night’s sleep: Decorate in...

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Getting Your Sleep Back on Track After Christmas

Getting Your Sleep Back on Track After Christmas

The festive season is a time of fun, excitement, and late-nights. However, as the holiday season comes to an end, we know the 'return to school' can be a challenging transition. One of the most important aspects to tackle is getting your sleep schedule back on track....

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Christmas Sleep Tips

Christmas Sleep Tips

Teens often experience changes in their sleep patterns, and the holiday season, including Christmas, can have an impact on you sleep for various reasons. Here are some factors to consider: School Break: Christmas holidays can disrupt your usual routine, including...

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How To Sleep

How To Sleep

There’s so much information available about what you should and shouldn’t do when it comes to sleep, and most of it is great, but sometimes it’s easier to go back to basics - so it’s time we ask ourselves, how do we get to sleep? It’s important to remember that...

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Sleeping In The Dark This Halloween

Sleeping In The Dark This Halloween

We’ve all suffered, at some point, from being scared to sleep in the dark, and what’s important to remember is that this can happen at any age. That fear of being in an unlit room, unaware of your surroundings can be overwhelming, but we’re here to show you that it’s...

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Back To School in Sleeptember

Back To School in Sleeptember

September marks the start of our annual campaign, #Sleeptember. The theme for this year is ‘sleep education’ with our #knowyoursleep campaign. If you want to improve your sleep or understand why it is important to get a good night’s sleep, then celebrate it with us!...

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The Best Christmas Gifts To Help You Sleep

The Best Christmas Gifts To Help You Sleep

It’s that time of year again where it starts getting cold and festive, so we’ve got the best stocking fillers for you! With our unique list of possible gifts to improve your sleeping at night, here’s just a few ideas of how you can get a great night’s sleep with just...

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Sleeping In The Winter

Sleeping In The Winter

Winter can be a time of festivity, joy, and excitement, but it can also bring its difficulties. We know how difficult it can be to fall asleep when it’s cold, raining, and icy, but don’t worry because we have you covered (no pun intended). There are a range of reasons...

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Exercising & Sleep

Exercising & Sleep

With the World Cup starting in November, it’s a constant reminder of the positive benefits that exercise has on sleep. It isn’t a myth that exercising regularly tends to help people sleep better. Did you know that athletes often focus on sleep as much as their diet...

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Our Top 5 Spotify Playlists To Help You Sleep

Our Top 5 Spotify Playlists To Help You Sleep

We know how difficult it can be to drift off some days and for your mind to shut off for the night, but we have collected our 5 essential playlists to relax and help you to get a better night’s sleep. 1. Sound Waves Playlist name: Sleep Inducing Sound Waves Created...

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Problem Sleeping? Call our National Sleep Helpline

Problem Sleeping? Call our National Sleep Helpline

If you’re struggling with your sleep but don’t want to confide in your parents or even your friends, then help is now just a phone call away. Our new National Sleep Helpline is now open for you to chat directly with one of our trained sleep advisors who will offer...

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Hi Ho Hi Ho It’s Back To School We Go!

Hi Ho Hi Ho It’s Back To School We Go!

With sleep deprivation known to affect everything from your attention span to your planning and problem-solving skills and behaviour, re-establishing a good sleep routine is vital in the back to school countdown. Sleep deprivation affects every aspect of your life,...

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Sleep Better… Make the Swap!

Sleep Better… Make the Swap!

Did you know that making some simple lifestyle swaps can help you to sleep better? Watch what you drink: Cut back on energy drinks, coffee and cola and enjoy a herbal tea or glass of water instead. Fuelling yourself with energy drinks will make it harder to nod off....

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Sleep In Schools

Sleep In Schools

There is a great deal of emphasis on teaching teens about healthy eating and exercise but not enough on the importance of a good night’s sleep. Young people are at particular risk of developing sleep issues yet there is very little sleep education on the PSHE...

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Why You Can’t Get Your Teen Out Of Bed

Why You Can’t Get Your Teen Out Of Bed

You won’t be the first parent to call your teen lazy and you won’t be the last! But did you know that just because they can’t get out of bed in the morning it doesn’t mean they are lazy. When they hit adolescence, teens go through biological changes meaning they are...

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10 Reasons Why You Can’t Sleep

10 Reasons Why You Can’t Sleep

You’ve heard it all before: Don’t watch TV or scroll through social media in bed. Don’t drink energy drinks too close to bedtime.  Don’t nap… and yet you’re doing all this but you still can’t sleep! So what’s going wrong? Here are some other reasons why you still...

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Guest blog by Susie Baruch

Guest blog by Susie Baruch

Hi. My name is Susie, I am in Year 11 and I have been involved in the Teen Sleep Hub since last summer. I heard about the project from my school and I felt very strongly that this was a project I would really like to take part in. Personally, I have always needed a...

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Guest blog by Emily Larkins

Guest blog by Emily Larkins

“I’m tired” my friends would mumble as a greeting while rubbing their eyes. “What time did you go to sleep?” I would ask. “I did homework from like 1 to 2AM and then fell asleep around 3.” I have some variation of this conversation at least once a day (probably twice...

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Guest blog by Dmitrijs Meiksans MYP

Guest blog by Dmitrijs Meiksans MYP

Sleep is something that you don’t normally think about as a factor of anything, sometimes, we definitely know that we aren’t getting enough sleep and sometimes, we definitely know that we’ve overslept. I wanted to get involved with The Sleep Charity’s Teen Sleep Hub...

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Campaign Awakens Teens To The Value Of Sleep

Campaign Awakens Teens To The Value Of Sleep

Our online Teen Sleep Hub sits at the heart of our campaign ‘Teen Sleep Matters’ to promote the importance of sleep for young people's mental health. The hub – aimed at teenagers, not parents – addresses the link between poor sleep and mental health as well as the...

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Download our eBook

Our eBook is packed with bite size relevant pieces of advice and information – backed by science and research – to empower and help you feel more confident in making the right changes to your sleep.

To access the eBook, all you need to do is register with your name and email address.

It really is that simple!

Problem Sleeping?

Call our National Sleep Helpline, open between 7pm and 9pm Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursday evenings and 9am until 11am, Mondays and Wednesday mornings  *excluding Bank Holidays

03303 530 541