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The latest updates and tips from the Teen Sleep Hub

Festival Season

Festival season is almost upon us and having a good time is going to be a priority – but getting a good night’s sleep can make these events even better!

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed or even grouchy in loud/busy environments, and poor sleep can make this a lot worse. But being prepared can reduce the impact and ensure maximum fun. Wherever you’re off to this year, we have created a list to help you be prepared to get a great night’s rest.

Camping Space: Try to choose a camping space that’s a good distance from the main events area – this will reduce noise and possibly be a quieter spot from other revellers

Senses: Take earplugs and an eye mask to keep noise and light at bay

Comfort: Make your sleep space comfortable – take your pillow from home for extra comfort

Sleep Environment: Keep your sleep environment tidy

Diet: Avoid sugary foods/drinks during the day

Hydration: Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated

Drink Responsibly: Avoid too much alcohol/caffeine on the run up to bed

Exercise: Festivals are great for encouraging walking – get your steps in to tire you out

Prepare: Try to get some extra sleep before a weekend of partying, it may help your body be slightly more resilient to any sleep deprivation

Most importantly, we hope you have a great time!

Download our eBook

Our eBook is packed with bite size relevant pieces of advice and information – backed by science and research – to empower and help you feel more confident in making the right changes to your sleep.

To access the eBook, all you need to do is register with your name and email address below.

It really is that simple!

Problem Sleeping?

Call our National Sleep Helpline, open between 7pm and 9pm five days a week, Sunday to Thursday.

03303 530 541