Parents & Carers
Helpful information for you and your teen
Why doesn’t my teen sleep?
There is a great deal of emphasis on teaching teens about healthy eating and exercise but not enough on the importance of a good night’s sleep. Sleep problems can be a very serious issue and lack of sleep has been linked to obesity, depression and impaired learning.
If you’re having trouble getting your teenager out of bed in a morning, then there are several practical hints and tips that may help. Talking over worries may well help to put them into perspective.
The Teen Sleep Hub has been kindly funded by the National Lottery Community Fund and Coronavirus Mental Health Response Fund (administered by the charity, Mind, in partnership with the Mental Health Consortia) who understand how important sleep is for good mental health.
The Top Tips
Here is a little infomation to help you understand your teens
sleep and how you can help.
- Emphasise the importance of sleep and that it improves memory and performance. Teens need at least eight hours’ sleep on school nights.
- Encourage regular exercise – 20 minutes three times a week will help.
- Suggest they drink less caffeine (in cola and energy drinks as well as tea and coffee). Too much caffeine stops them falling asleep and prevents deep sleep.
- Point out that eating too much or too little close to bedtime – an over full or empty stomach – may prevent sleep onset, or cause discomfort throughout the night.
- Try and get your teen into a good bed routine – suggest that doing the same things in the same order before going to sleep can help.
- Eliminate electronic devices from the bedroom. If this isn’t possible, try to zone areas of the room for work, leisure and sleep.
- Ensure a good sleep environment – a room that is dark, cool, quiet, safe and comfortable.
- Make sure your teenager has a comfortable bed. It may be time to get a new one – and encourage him or her to choose it themselves.
Remember, habits learned in adolescence often become lifetime habits – so make sure good sleep habits are learned early.
Visit The Sleep Charity
We have loads of extra information around sleep environment, science and strategies.

Parent Information Sheet
Check out our parent information sheet which has some more top tips for you to consider.
Do you struggle to get your teen out of bed?
Ask them to call our National Sleep Helpline – or even call yourself for some advice on how to help. Open between 7pm and 9pm Mon/Tues/Thurs and between 9am and 11am Mon/Weds.
03303 530 541